Monthly Archives: October 2008


To all who have been eagerly awaiting our workshop schedule –  it is now finalized!

Our first class will be “Introduction to Letterpress: Printing with Metal Type” with Brian Allen on November 2 from 5:30- 8:00pm.

Other classes include “Not Your Granny’s Embroidery” (grannies still welcome), “Basic Zine Making” and “Intro to Bookmaking: Dos-a-Dos Pamphlet Stitch Book.” Come on in to the shop to get a copy of the full schedule and sign up for classes. We hope to see you soon!

Hayden-Harnett on Design*Sponge

Here at the store, we carry a couple of really amazing lines of luxury bags. One such line is made by Brooklyn-based company Hayden-Harnett. After becoming familiar with their work though the store, you can imagine that I was thrilled to see the Design*Sponge sneak peek of the designers’ home on October 16. Since this is an inspirational space to them as well as where many of the designs originate, it is interesting to see.

Check it out at:

Our Lovely Store

above: hobknob by Perch, cards by Dutch Door Press and Ilee 


above: round vase and bird feet salt and pepper shakers by Perch, antique peasant salt and pepper shakers, note sets by Ilee, vintage necklace, earrings by Betsy and Iya


above: antique tulip salt and pepper shakers, ceramics by Perch, cards and print by Dutch Door Press, note set by Ilee, hour glasses by Seletti, antique American quilt and pillows


above: antique watercolor folding screen and arm chair, bags (clockwise from top left) by Utility, Hayden-Harnett, Hable Construction, Maria de la Rosa, Hayden-Harnett, Hable Construction